by Erin Schlicher, SPA
Various data users on campus have expressed an interest in being able to analyze and report on MSU's research activities and impacts by subject area. To better capture information on research areas at MSU, a new field will be added to the Supplemental Information option in Kuali Research (KR) on December 1, 2023. This enhancement was developed in close coordination with MSU's International Data Working Group, with input requested from the Council of Research Deans (CORD), the Sponsored Programs Advisory Committee (SPAC), and the Sponsored Program Research Opportunities & University Training (SPROUT) committee. Unit preaward offices may need to modify their processes to request category and subcategory information from faculty. Please keep in mind that the subject area information is required before the proposal can be routed. Therefore, we encourage units to request this information from faculty as early in the proposal development process as possible in order to avoid possible submission delays.
Once the enhancement goes into effect, at least one, and up to three, subject areas will be required to be assigned in the Proposal Development document (PD). Subject Areas will be required on a go-forward basis and will not be added retroactively. The Areas of Research section includes drop-down selections for Category and Sub-Category, as shown below.
The Category field includes the following six broad academic disciplines, along with a “Non-Research” option: Arts & Humanities; Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health; Engineering & Technology; Life Sciences; Physical Sciences; and Social Sciences.
Once a Category has been selected, the Sub-Category drop-down will populate with the selections related to the chosen category. A sub-category must be selected to pass the system validations. For a full listing of the Categories and their associated Sub-Categories, please refer to the Subject Areas Mapping Table. The classification structure is based on Clarivate's Institutional Profiles Research Areas schema, which can accommodate MSU's broad research scope, while also allowing MSU's proposal and award data to be linked to its publication and bibliometrics data from the Web of Science, which also uses the Clarivate classification schema.
Once you have selected the desired category and sub-category, click the Add button to the right of the Sub-Category field to add your selections to the PD. Once your selection has been added, it will be displayed beneath the drop-down fields, as shown below.
Only one category and sub-category selection is required, but up to three can be added to the PD to allow for multi-disciplinary projects.
If the Areas of Research section is not completed, the following error message will appear. You will be required to add at least one category and sub-category before you will be able to route the PD.
Thank you for assisting faculty with this new requirement. For more information, please refer to the KR Areas of Research Job Aid.