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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Agreement Types and Routing Information

At MSU, we receive different types of agreements for a variety of activities. In the below sections, we provide the definition of the agreement type, as well as, the office that processes the agreement. We have also created a PDF version of the Agreement Types and Routing Information in a grid format that is better for printing. If you have any questions, you can contact Sponsored Programs Administration at 517-355-5040.


Transfers funds to the recipient without any valuable consideration or compensation to the donor. In other words, there are no restrictions (legal or financial) about how the funds are spent, and no requirements for anything in return.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
Non-Governmental Research gifts equal to or greater than $5,000 Contract & Grant Administration (CGA)
Non-Governmental Non-Research or Research gifts less than $5,000 University Advancement

Grant Agreement

A grant is a contractual document that transfers something of value without substantial involvement by the granting agency. For "fee for service" agreements, please see Contracts.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
For-Profit/Industry ALL Business-Connect
All Except For-Profit ALL Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP)

Cooperative Agreement

Transfers something of value with substantial involvement by the granting agency. Generally, these awards are associated with the Federal government.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?


Establishes a mutually binding legal relationship obligating the seller to furnish supplies, specified research or services and the sponsor to pay for them. Generally, includes an expectation of deliverables in specified time frames.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
For-Profit/Industry ALL Business-Connect
Governmental (includes Federal and State gov't) ALL OSP
Non-Profit/Other/University/ Local gov't/Non-U.S. gov't Research (including Clinical Trials) OSP
Non-Profit/Other/University/ Local gov't/Non-U.S. gov't Public Service/Education OSP
Non-Profit/Other/University/ Local gov't/Non-U.S. gov't Fee-for-Service/Business Activities Director of the Contract & Grant Administration/Office of General Counsel
Non-Profit/Other/University/ Local gov't/Non-U.S. gov't Course Instruction/Development for MSU students and Employment Agreements Provost Office/Office of General Counsel

*Contract Types

  • Cost-Reimbursable: MSU is reimbursed for costs incurred during the designated project period – this is the preferred type of contract for research projects because research has so many unknown outcomes. This could also be in the form of fixed payments.
  • Fixed-Price: MSU is paid a pre-determined amount for meeting specific milestones or deliverables, regardless of actual costs – this type of contract involves greater risk to the recipient because the deliverables MUST be delivered on time regardless of cost, meaning even if the PI leaves MSU or required equipment breaks, the department/college is responsible for meeting the obligations of the contract. The department/college also has full responsibility for any project cost overruns. Fixed-Price contracts require a letter signed by the Chair (or Dean if more than $100,000) accepting the risks of the project.
  • Fee-for-Service: MSU is paid a set fee or published rate, routinely charged to all potential customers, for a deliverable using known practical applications of standard procedures using special or unique MSU capabilities, especially testing.

Research Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

This document states what each party is doing regarding engaging in a scientific collaboration (programmatic tasks). This document does not include any legal (e.g. intellectual property terms, indemnification, etc...) or consideration/financial terms.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
ALL Research Director/Chair/Dean

No Money Agreement for Sponsored Programs

Such as: collaboration agreements, MOUs with legal/financial terms, teaming agreements, cost share agreements, CRADAs

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
For-Profit/Industry ALL Business-Connect
Governmental (includes Federal and State) and Non-Profit ALL OSP

Material Transfer Agreement, Non-Disclosure Agreement, Data Use Agreement, Intellectual Property Agreements, License and Option Agreements, Royalty settlement Agreements

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
ALL ALL MSU Technologies (MSUT)

Fellowship Agreements

Fellowships are tuition or living expenses aid to a person (student) attending a educational institution. It is generally aimed to aid in the pursuit of study or research.

Sponsor Type Activity Type/Project Nature Which MSU Office Processes Agreement?
Non-Governmental Research OSP/Business Connect
Non-Governmental Non-Research or Education/Instruction Provost Office/Office of General Counsel

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