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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Closeout Documents

Internal and external documents used for closing accounts.  Required closeout documents vary based on the sponsor, but the following is a list of common forms used by CGA.

  • Closeout Memo:
    CGA requires this internal memo to be reviewed, completed and signed by the PI for all RC accounts.  Please note that this form can be completed and submitted electronically via email.  Electronic submission by the PI replaces the need of physical signature.  There are separate versions of the closeout memo for federal, non-federal and fixed price accounts.
  • Patent Certification (DD882 - PDF or agency required form):
    If required by the agency, CGA will submit this form to MSUT for completion and signature. Once the completed form is received from MSUT, CGA will submit to the agency and keep a copy on file
  • Property/Equipment Report:
    If required by the agency, this report is to be completed by the department and then reviewed, confirmed and signed by CGA. CGA will retain a copy and submit a copy to the agency. Unless a specific form is required by the sponsor CGA uses this template (Excel).
  • Final Technical Report:
    If required the final technical report is prepared and submitted by the principal investigator. A copy of the final technical report should be sent to CGA for the project file. A specific report form or template may be required by the sponsoring agency or a website submission may be required. See the technical reporting webpage for information related to common websites.
  • Closeout checklist:
    CGA’s internal checklist (PDF) that ensures an inclusive overall review is completed of a project account prior to closing in KFS.
  • CGA’s notification of account end email (.docx):
    After an RC account ends an email is sent notifying the department of the project end date and requesting final reporting information.

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