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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

KR Areas of Research Job Aid

This job aid outlines the steps for completing the Areas of Research field in Kuali Research (KR). Please refer to the Subject Areas Mapping Table for a complete listing of categories and subcategories.

Completing the Areas of Research Field in Kuali Research

To better capture information on subject areas at MSU, a new field will be added to the Supplemental Information tab in KR. Once the enhancement goes into effect, the system will require at least one, and up to three, subject areas to be selected at the PD stage. Subject Areas will be required on a go-forward basis once the change goes into effect (target date of December 1, 2023) and will not be added retroactively. For PDs in route at the time the field is added, a crosswalk has been developed to allow us to add categories on the back end based on the unit(s).

The Areas of Research section includes drop-down selections for Category and Sub-Category, as shown below.

Screenshot of the areas of research section in Kuali Research

The Category field includes the following six broad academic disciplines:

  • Arts & Humanities
  • Clinical, Pre-clinical & Health
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Life Sciences
  • Physical Sciences
  • Social Sciences

A “Non-Research” category will also be added, as shown in the Subject Areas Mapping Table.

Screenshot of the drop down menu of categories.

Once a Category has been selected, the Sub-Category drop-down will populate with the selections related to the chosen category. A sub-category must be selected to pass the system validations.

Screenshot of the drop down menu of sub-categories.

Once you have selected the desired category and sub-category, click the Add button to the right of the Sub-Category field to add your selections to the PD. Once your selection has been added, it will be displayed beneath the drop-down fields, as shown below.

Screenshot showing the sub-category after clicking the add button.

Only one category and sub-category selection is required, but up to three can be added to the PD to allow for multi-disciplinary projects.

Screenshot showing up to three category selections added.

If the Areas of Research section is not completed, the following error message will appear. You will be required to add at least one category and sub-category before you will be able to route the PD.

Screenshot of KR error message

Click Here for an Areas of Research Mapping Table

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