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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Data Management Plans - Resources for MSU

Proper data management and sharing is essential for improving rigor and reproducibility in scientific research data.  Benefits of sharing scientific data include: expediting the translation of research results into knowledge, products and improvements to human health and the environment.  Various federal agencies have implemented requirements at the proposal and award stage in order to promote the sharing of scientific data, samples, physical collections and other supporting materials.  

Project Resources

Getting Started / Writing a Proposal

Research Data Management Fundamentals (MSU Libraries)

NIH Data Management and Sharing FAQs for MSU

Budgeting for Data Management

Example Data Management & Sharing Plans

Human Research Considerations

Sponsor Requirements

  • DMP Sponsor Requirements (MSU Sponsored Programs Administration)
  • SPARC - Browse Data Sharing and Article Sharing Requirements by Federal Agency

SPARC logo

DMP Tool: Build Your Data Management Plan A click-through wizard for creating a DMP that complies with funder requirements; provides examples and template language for answering questions

DMPTool logo

Working on a Project

Lifecycle Data Management Planning (MSU Libraries)

Best Practices for Data Management and Sharing

MSU Data Storage Finder (VPN required if off-campus) - A self-service, interactive tool to select storage services based on features important to you.

MSU Data storage finder logo

MSU Research Data Services Catalog - A guide to research data services available to MSU-affiliated researchers

Open Science Framework (OSF) - A free, open platform to support data organization & collaboration

OSF logo

Finishing a Project / Sharing Data

Registry of Research Data Repositories (re3 data) - A global registry of research data repositories from different academic disciplines 

OSF logo

DataCite - Locate, identify, and cite research data; Create and manage DOIs

OSF logo

List of Generalist Repositories (compiled by NIH)

NIH-Supported Data Repositories

NIH Scientific Data Sharing Logo

NEW: NIH Data Management and Sharing Policy (effective 1/25/23)

NIH's new Policy for Data Management and Sharing goes into effect on January 25, 2023.  This policy requires researchers to prospectively plan for how scientific data will be preserved and shared.  Researchers will be required to submit a Data Management and Sharing Plan with each proposal and to implement the approved plan if funded. Plans should explain how scientific data will be managed and describe which scientific data and accompanying metadata will be shared in common repositories. It applies to all NIH-funded research that directly results in the generation of scientific data, regardless of funding level or mechanism. This expands upon NIH’s current data sharing requirement that applies to projects with $500,000 or more in direct costs in any single year.

An MSU workgroup comprised of individuals from various campus units has been convened to consider practices and promote resources to prepare for the new requirements. The group is currently focusing on helping MSU faculty meet these requirements. Faculty should begin considering how these requirements will impact their future projects and planning for associated costs related to data management and storage in their proposed budgets for any competing applications submitted to the NIH on or after January 25, 2023.

MSU Research and Innovation banner graphic

MSU Data Management and Sharing Webinars

Two MSU-led webinars were held to help faculty prepare for the January 2023 implementation of the NIH Data Management and Sharing Requirements.

The first session on November 30 focused on research data where human subjects are involved. The session on December 14 provided a general overview of the new requirements and sharing of best practices by experts from MSU and the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology.  Videos of the recorded sessions are available here (an MSU login is required to view the videos).


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