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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

NIH Prior Approvals

The National Institutes of Health requires all extensions and/or prior approval requests to be submitted by an Authorized Official of MSU. The Contract and Grant Administration Awards Group has authority on behalf of MSU as Authorized Officials and the information may be sent directly to for review and submission to NIH.


Notification Type Required Information
Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension;
Opens 90 Days Prior to End Date
  • Revised end date (cannot exceed 12 months)
  • Justification for Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension


Request Type Required Information
NIH Approved No-Cost Extension (2nd or Beyond)
  • Memorandum addressed to the NIH Grants Management Specialist, referencing the NIH grant number with a justification for the extension request and clearly identify the new desired end date (the memorandum will need to be signed by the PI)
  • Budget and budget justification for the unspent balance as of the budget period end date
  • Updated Progress report up to 1 page long
  • Budget justification
  • Memorandum addressed to the NIH Grants Management Specialist, referencing the NIH grant number with a justification for the carryover request (the memorandum will need to be signed by the PI)
  • Amount of funds to be carried forward
  • Explanation for any unobligated balance
  • Budget justification and a detailed budget for the carryover amount
  • Scientific Justification
Significant Reduction of Effort of Key Personnel
  • Memorandum addressed to the NIH Grants Management Specialist, referencing the NIH Grant number with a justification for the effort reduction (including the effective date of the reduction) as well as clearly defining the new amount of effort (the memorandum will need to be signed by the PI)
Replacement of Key Personnel
  • Memorandum addressed to the NIH Grants Management Specialist, referencing the NIH Grant number with a justification for the replacement of the person (the memorandum will need to be signed by the PI and also the proposed replacement)
  • New PI name and ERA Commons ID
  • Biosketch or CV of the proposed replacement
  • Other support documentation
  • Level of effort in person months
  • Effective Date

General References


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