The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) drafts and executes subaward documents compliant with prime award terms and conditions for agencies that do not participate with the Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP); this includes the majority of international subawards. For the period September 2015 through September 2016, the average total processing time1 to complete international subawards is about 31.5 calendar days with an average of 9 days in OSP , i.e. time that OSP spends on activities to complete the subaward request. Other processing time logged out of OSP could be with the subawardee, the department/unit, the PI, or with other central offices, e.g. Office of Research Regulatory Support, Office of Export Controls and Trade Sanctions, MSU Technologies, etc. OSP staff regularly follow up on activities that are logged out of OSP. You may see the status of a subaward request by viewing the Negotiation Module in KC (Kuali Coeus - Research Administration System). Note that international subaward processing times may vary. Some things to consider are level of risk of the subawardee, time of year, volume of work within OSP and other central offices, etc. Contact your OSP representative if you have any questions.
For more details on OSP subaward processing time, please go to the SPA/OSP/CGA Metrics Page.
1 Total Processing Time begins with OSP receipt of all required documents, i.e. the "full package" through the receipt of the fully executed document from the subawardee with limited exceptions, i.e., less than 3% tracked based on first contact received.