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SPA Newsletter - Fall 2024


Sponsored Programs Administration Newsletter

Fall 2024

Greetings from SPA/OSP/CGA!

As the fall semester draws to a close, I hope you can take some time to reflect upon and appreciate all that you have accomplished, and that you begin the new year and the spring semester feeling reinvigorated and ready to face what’s next. This issue of the SPA Newsletter is packed with guidance and reminders to help with some common questions and challenges. On the preaward side, one article offers clarification on when PDs are and are not required, and another provides guidance on when to recall a PD. A quick-start checklist for NSF proposals is provided, as well as an article with some background information on summary proposals. On the postaward side, we provide information on Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance, along with reminders related to updates to 2 CFR 200 and advance and hardship accounts. This issue also includes information related to CGA’s new Award Management Tools Subgroup and CGA’s move to a new office space.

Along with providing information and advice, this issue of the SPA Newsletter recognizes some of the many excellent research administrators that we are fortunate to have working here at MSU. The recipient of the Fall 2024 Unit Research Administrator Spotlight Award is announced, and a feature on the SPA/OSP/CGA 2024 Quality FIRST awardees is also included. Congratulations to the awardees and thanks to all of you for working to support MSU’s research mission!

I hope you enjoy this edition of our newsletter! For suggestions for future content or feedback on this issue, please contact Erin Schlicher (, or me ( My thanks to the authors and contributors who made this newsletter possible.

Twila Fisher Reighley
Associate Vice President for Research, Sponsored Programs

Updates to 2 CFR 200 Effective October 1, 2024

by Kristy Smith, CGA

Effective October 1, 2024, the Office of Management and Budget introduced significant updates to 2 CFR 200, the Uniform Guidance. These changes affect various aspects of federal grant administration, including allowable costs, subrecipient monitoring, and reporting requirements, with a focus on enhancing transparency, accountability, and efficiency. However, some of the most notable updates will not be applicable or implemented until MSU's next F&A Rate Agreement is established.

Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) is actively reviewing these revisions and will update MSU guidance as needed. Additional information and resources will be provided in the coming months. For questions or further clarification, please contact

Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance

by Andrew Cascaddan and Kasey Schiellerd, CGA

The Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance aims to help Michigan State University (MSU) comply with sponsor requirements, address industry trends, close out awards on time, and mitigate financial risks. The guidance is intended to assist with the timely processing of final transactions.

Effective August 1, 2024, all final costs for sponsored programs must be posted by a specified deadline to be included in the final financial report or invoice to the sponsor. Any expenses not posted by this deadline must be covered by an unrestricted MSU account.

Summary of the Deadline Dates:

Final Financial Report (FFR) / Invoice Due Date Deadline for Posting Costs
60+ days after project period end date 30 days prior to FFR/invoice due date
45-60 days after project period end date 30 days after project period end date
Less than 45 days after project period end date 30 days after project period end date, AND
A list of final pending expenses is provided to the CGA Reports Group two weeks before the final invoice/financial report is due.
No FFR/invoice requirements 60 days after project period end date

The deadline date is posted to the Closeout tab in Account Explorer for all RC accounts and will be communicated at the time accounts are fully set up in the new account notification email. A reminder of the deadline is also included in the notification email that is sent to Principal Investigators and department administration sixty days prior to an account ending.

Additional Information:

  • For complex or pending transactions requiring approval, the department must contact the appropriate CGA group at least five business days before the deadline.
  • Departments are responsible for tracking final transactions and ensuring all necessary approvals are completed before the deadline.

For more details please see the Sponsored Program Final Cost Deadline Guidance website.

Image of fall leaves on MSU campus.
Photo courtesy of University Communications

Unlock Successful NSF Proposals: Your Quick-Start Checklist

by Olyvia O'Donnell, OSP

Are you new to the National Science Foundation (NSF), or an NSF veteran looking for a quick reference resource to assist with proposal development? Look no further! The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) has created a Quick Reference Guide to assist with entering proposal information into While it is not intended to replace the full Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (PAPPG) or the RFP (read your RFP carefully!), it provides a foundational starting point for the review OSP completes prior to submission.

If you have questions related to NSF proposals, please contact your OSP Proposal Team.

CGA's New Award Management Tools Subgroup

by Meghan Kelemen, CGA

CGA’s new subgroup, Award Management Tools, under the Awards Group has been focused on efficiency updates to the tools most widely used in Post Award. This includes updating forms on our website, streamlining processes to reduce the administrative burden and providing a facelift to some of our systems.

Check out our updated website formerly known as “Faculty Separation” now: Award Separation & Key Personnel Changes. It can be a cumbersome process when a faculty member leaves MSU. The two new forms on our updated website will hopefully help smooth the transition. Our Key Personnel Changes Checklist is for cases of a Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PI or Key Person being removed, replaced or added to a sponsored program award. It also can be utilized for effort reduction requests that are greater than 25%, for those named in the award that require prior approval by the sponsor. CGA's Awards Group will submit this form to the sponsor once it has been completed by the department and all necessary signatures are obtained.

When an award is intended to be transferred to a new institution or is terminating early due to a PI leaving MSU, the Award Transfer or Termination Checklist should be used. This form collects the information required by the sponsor to ensure a smooth transition to the PI's new institution.

You will also find step by step instructions for how to update the MSU systems such as Kuali Research (KR), Kuali Financial System (KFS) and a link to the Access Management Request (ARM) Form.

We can't wait for you to see all the updates we have in store, there are lots of good things to come!

Image of fall leaves on MSU campus.
Photo courtesy of University Communications

PDs Are Always Required — Except When They Aren't

by Karen Rich, OSP

If you have worked in research administration at MSU for any length of time, it’s likely that at some point you have been told by the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) that you need to create a new Proposal Development Document. “But I’m not even creating a new proposal!” you might have thought. “These people want a new PD for every little thing I do!” And you wouldn’t be entirely wrong. OSP regularly requires a new PD to be routed. Compliance with MSU policies and federal regulations involves collecting and maintaining certain documentation and gathering the approvals of various people. It’s important, and we tend to take it seriously. That said, there is an exception. Pre-proposals don’t (usually) require the routing of a Proposal Development Document.

Different sponsors use different terms – preliminary proposal, white paper, concept paper, letter of intent to submit – but they are all essentially the same thing. As the first step in funding a research project, a sponsor will ask for basic proposal information. Essentially, it’s an abridged version of the proposal that allows the sponsor to decide if they want to take the time to review the full proposal. Sometimes this will include a budget, but not always. It will include a description of the work the PI wants to do as well as any other items the sponsor requests. If none of the following items are required as part of the preliminary proposal, OSP does not require a proposal development document!

  • Line-item Restrictions: The budget required with the pre-proposal must be identical to what is later submitted with the full proposal.
  • Large Subawards: The subaward category is more than 75% of the total budgeted direct costs.
  • Mandatory Budget Review or Substantial Cost Share: The sponsor requires OSP budget review, or cost share.
  • IP or Export Control: There are intellectual property ownership and/or export control issues.
  • Binding Terms & Conditions: Submission of the LOI/white paper/pre-proposal binds MSU to terms and conditions.
  • S2S: The pre-proposal is submitted via System-to-System submission.
  • C&P Forms: The solicitation requires the submission of Current & Pending/Other Support forms.

As long as none of those criteria apply, you don’t need to route a PD! You still might need to get in touch with your proposal team, though. NSF, NASA, and a few other sponsors require preliminary proposals be submitted by an Authorized Organizational Representative (AOR) though their respective portals. Just like with a regular proposal, we ask that you give us three days’ notice that you have a pre-proposal that is ready for submission. That’s all you need to do though, just let us know when it’s ready!

2024 Quality FIRST Award Recipients

by Erin Schlicher, SPA

The Quality FIRST staff recognition program recognizes SPA/OSP/CGA team members who have served MSU in an exceptional manner by exemplifying our office values: Quality, Fairness, Integrity, Respect, Service, and Teamwork, i.e., "Quality FIRST”. The 2024 awardees were recognized during a staff event held in September.

Congratulations to Jessica Lemke (CGA Audit and Compliance Group) and Tracy Walker (OSP Contract Team 1), the winners of the 2024 Quality FIRST Awards! Jessica and Tracy consistently demonstrate the values of quality, fairness, integrity, respect, service, and teamwork that form the core values of SPA/CGA/OSP and MSU. Thanks to the 2024 awardees for their outstanding service and valuable contributions to SPA/OSP/CGA and MSU’s research community!

Photo of Jessica Lemke
Photo of Tracy Walker

In addition to the Quality FIRST Awards, six Value Awards were presented to staff members who have shown excellence in a particular Quality FIRST core value. Congratulations to the 2024 Value Award winners:

  • Quality: Raeann Hagen-Davis (Sponsored Programs Administration)
  • Fairness: Sue Ferris (OSP Proposal Team 1)
  • Integrity: Karen Rich (OSP Proposal Team 1)
  • Respect: Dan Shoup (SPA Systems)
  • Service: Shelly Halstead (CGA Cash Management Group)
  • Teamwork: Jennifer Holes (CGA Reports Group)
Photo of Quality FIRST Value award winners.

Fall 2024 Research Admin Spotlight Award header image

by Twila Reighley, AVP for Research; Erin Schlicher, SPA

The offices of Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA), Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) are honored to recognize excellence and exemplary service through the Research Administrator (RA) Spotlight Award. We are happy to announce that Adelle Simmons was selected as the Fall 2024 awardee. Congratulations Adelle, and thank you for playing an integral role in advancing MSU's research mission! We appreciate your dedication and hard work.

Photo of Adelle Simmons

Adelle Simmons

Research Administrator II
College of Natural Science Office of Research Support

Adelle has worked at MSU for 17 years, and she currently provides pre-award support to faculty in the College of Natural Science, assisting them with their grant application packages to federal and non-federal sponsors.

What do you enjoy most about your job here?

"What I love most about being a research administrator is the opportunity to contribute to something bigger, supporting groundbreaking research and innovation gives an incredible meaning to the work we do.  Facilitating the administrative piece of grant submissions is only one role of many in the field of research administration, but it is an integral part of the process. I take pride in being a part of MSU’s research mission and the opportunity to provide support to the faculty in the College of Natural Science.”

“I also appreciate that there is always something new to learn. The dynamic nature of research administration – balancing evolving sponsor, federal, and university guidelines – certainly keeps the work exciting and challenging. The constant learning and adapting makes the field unique and rewarding, and always keeps me on my toes.”

What advice do you have for new research administrators?

“Building connections across campus is invaluable for a new research administrator. Networking not only fosters collaboration but also provides access to the knowledge and experience of others. A solid support system can help to navigate the complexities of research administration, especially when dealing with policies, procedures, and those seemingly endless acronyms!”

“Take the time to develop connections with colleagues in the Office of Sponsored Programs and Contract and Grant Administration. Understanding their role, and the workflows and expectations of these key offices will make day-to-day processes smoother. Additionally, asking questions and taking thorough notes will show initiative and ensure that you retain critical information. Embracing the learning curve with patience and curiosity will set the foundation for a successful career in this field!”

Image of fall leaves on the Red Cedar River.
Photo courtesy of University Communications

To Recall or Not to Recall...that Is the Question

by Amber Nichols and Nicol Springer, OSP

It is a common occurrence to have things change within the proposal development document. It is also common for the first thought to be “this needs to be recalled.” KR is our friend, there are items that can be addressed without the need to recall and obtain blanket approval.

One of the most common change requests we receive is a project title change. This is not something that requires a recall, OSP can process a data override. Other common requests are sponsor proposal ID (a requirement for resubmission), deadline date, prime sponsor, as well as activity type.

Below is the full list of data override options that your friendly Proposal team member can assist with:

  • Prime Sponsor ID
  • Sponsor code
  • Does this proposal include subawards
  • Activity type
  • Sponsor deadline date
  • Deadline type
  • Mailing address
  • Notice of opportunity
  • Program number
  • Program title
  • Proposal type
  • Target date
  • Sponsor proposal ID
  • Project title
  • Original institutional proposal ID
  • Prev tracking ID
  • Agency routing identifier
  • Prime sponsor ID
  • NSF science code
  • Sponsor Deadline time
  • CFDA number
  • Anticipated award type
  • Sponsor Div code

Something else that does not require a recall to update is the User Attached Form (UAF). If a User Attached Form includes additional attachments that need to be replaced, you must delete the UAF, fix the attachments, and re-add the UAF. This can be done while the proposal development document is in route, or any time prior to OSP's approval. UAFs can also be added to the PD while it's in route: a great example is the PHS Assignment Request Form for NIH proposals. This is an optional document, so if the PI decides after the PD begins its route that they want to include one, you can upload it, and it will automatically be added to the application package.

A terrific way to set yourself up for success without recalling a proposal is the use of a blank placeholder PDF. For example, the budget is approved, and you have all the other documents needed to start the routing process while waiting for something like a last-minute letter of support. You can upload a blank PDF document as a placeholder and replace the document with the final letter of support while the proposal is routing. If you upload placeholder documents, please set the status to Incomplete and do not change the status to Complete until after you have replaced the placeholder with the final document.

Additionally, you do not need to recall a PD to complete an annual and/or project-based COI, add a note, or mark a document complete. And lastly, updating key personnel Proposal Person Certification questions can be done without recalling, OSP needs the written answers from the personnel on how they intended to answer them.

If you are unsure about recalling a PD, we encourage you to touch base with your OSP Proposal Team contact prior to clicking the button.

Image of fall leaves on the Red Cedar River.
Photo courtesy of University Communications

Reminder: Advance and Hardship Accounts

by Kristy Smith, CGA

Advance and Hardship Accounts are available to enable Principal Investigators to incur expenses before a sponsored program award is fully executed. However, MSU does not request reimbursement for expenses incurred on these accounts.

Submitting invoices for expenses prior to the full execution of an award brings financial risks to the university, as the award terms and conditions have not yet been mutually agreed upon. To safeguard the university's interests, CGA will not process reimbursement requests for expenses incurred on advance or hardship accounts.

A Summary of the Summary Proposal

by Morgan Sarafin Ross and Kelly Feinberg, OSP

For proposals that will not be submitted in Kuali Research (KR) via the System-to-System (S2S) option, there is an easy way to complete a Proposal Development (PD) Document to ensure the PI, Department/College and University have completed the necessary steps to ensure internal compliance and approvals, and preparation for award negotiations: enter the Summary Proposal.

Summary Proposals can be used for sponsors including the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), private foundations and many other sponsors. This option provides a streamlined approach to Proposal Development (PD) documents to simplify the proposal submission process.

Creating a Summary Budget for Summary Proposals is a great option for projects that require budgets in an Excel format or on a sponsor-specific budget form, as Summary Budgets document the total budget in terms of direct and indirect costs entered from the Excel or sponsor-specific budget form. The indirect cost rate and base may also need to be updated to reflect the applicable rate for the proposed budget. (When creating the budget for these proposals, OSP will only review one detailed budget.)

From the SPA website, KR System Resources are available on a variety of topics. To access the step-by-step instructions on how to create a Summary Proposal, including how to create a Summary Budget visit the “Preparing a Summary Proposal” webpage.

If you have questions on how to complete a Summary Proposal in KR, please contact your OSP Proposal Team.

Image of fall leaves on the Red Cedar River.
Photo courtesy of University Communications

Contract and Grant Administration Office Move

by Kristy Smith, CGA

Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) office has relocated to Room 360 in the Administration Building. We are now co-located with other MSU Office of Finance units.

New Mailing Address

When sending documents to CGA, please use the following formal address. If possible, include the specific individual or group within CGA to ensure accurate delivery:

Contract and Grant Administration
Michigan State University
Hannah Administration
426 Auditorium Road
Room 360
East Lansing, MI 48824

Additional Information

  • Checks related to sponsored program payments will continue to be received by the Cashier's Office.
  • MSU's legal applicant address in remains unchanged. Please refer to the information provided on the Frequently Required Budget and Proposal Data webpage when preparing sponsored program proposals.

Important Note

The office remains locked throughout the day. For in-person meetings, please arrange an appointment in advance with the appropriate CGA staff member. For updated contact information and staff details, visit the Staff Directory on the MSU Sponsored Programs Administration website.

We look forward to continuing to assist you from our new location!

Training Updates

by Amy Bane, SPA

SPROUT Listserv

Our goal is to assist you with your job duties. In an effort to improve communication with Research Administrators across campus, we will be using the SPROUT Listserv to send out Training related notices. Please take a minute to register for the SPROUT Listserv!

How to enroll:

To register for a Listserv at MSU, you can email with the subject line and body of the email as indicated for the list you want to join:

  • Subject line: "Subsacribe to SPROUT Listserv"
  • Body of email: "SUBSCRIBE SPROUT Listserv"

Training Suggestions

We are considering adding one hour training sessions and would like to hear your suggestions. Are there topics you could use a quick refresher on? Would you like an introductory course on a certain topic? If so, please submit your topic ideas using our online New Training Topic Suggestions form.

External Training Log*

Did you know that you can receive ERA credit for attending conferences, as well as taking research administration related courses and webinars? Please fill out our External Training and Conference Log to receive credit toward your ERA recertification.

Video Credit*

The majority of our courses are recorded, in case you are unable to attend an ERA course that interests you. All of our videos from the past year are listed on our ERA website. To receive ERA credit for watching a recording, please complete the ERA Video Course Recordings form.

*NOTE: External Trainings and Video credits are awarded on a quarterly basis.

Training, Education, & Resources

by Amy Bane, SPA

Essentials of Research Administration (ERA) Series

SPA/OSP/CGA, in collaboration with SPROUT and an extensive network of MSU staff involved in pre-award, post-award, and compliance aspects of research administration, provide a certified training series for research administrators and other support staff with responsibilities for research proposals, grants, contracts, and pre- and post-award administration at MSU.

D2L E-Learning: Sponsored Programs Administration offers four eLearning courses in D2L. To register for eLearning, please email Amy Bane ( to be added to the course in D2L. All eLearning electives are worth 4 elective credits.

International Research I eLearning in D2L
International Research II eLearning in D2L
Contracts and Other Agreements eLearning in D2L
Animal Care and Use Requirements eLearning in D2L

2025 Schedule*: We are offering our 4 Core Courses and 16 Electives in 2025, along with eLearning options. All courses are open to anyone with a valid MSU NetID. We are offering both long courses and short courses to better fit your busy schedule! Each session name below is hyperlinked directly to the corresponding registration page in Ability. All courses will be held on Zoom.

(NOTE: Please enable pop-ups from Ability in your browser settings in order to access the course registration pages.)

Course Date Elective Credits
Core 1: Principles of Pre-Award Research Administration, Part 1 (first half 1/7, second half 1/14) ** 7-Jan & 14-Jan N/A
Core 2: Principles of Pre-Award Research Administration, Part 2 21-Jan N/A
Core 3: Principles of Post-Award Research Administration 28-Jan N/A
Core 4: Compliance 4-Feb N/A
Subawards (Short-course) 8-Apr 2
Effort Reporting and Cost Share (Short-course) 22-Apr 2
University Procurement and Logistics for Research Administrators 6-May 4
Intellectual Property 20-May 4
Post-Award Receivable Process and Financial Transactions 10-Jun 4
Audits 17-Jun 2
Proposal Development in KR 5-Aug 4
Beginner’s Hands-On Budgeting in KR 12-Aug 4
Reporting & Data Collection 9-Sept 4
Export Control 23-Sept 2
Departmental Post-Award Account Management 7-Oct 4
Fee-for-Service & Service Centers 21-Oct 4
Advanced Hands-On Budgeting in KR 11-Nov 4
NIH Agency Specifics 18-Nov 2
NSF Agency Specifics 25-Nov 2
Hot Topics 2-Dec 4

*All classes will take place via Zoom.

**Registration for Core 1 will automatically enroll you in both sessions. You must attend both sessions to receive full credit.

Client Feedback Surveys

by Mike Wolf, SPA

At SPA/OSP/CGA, we strive to provide excellent customer service in all stages of research administration, from proposal development to the final closeout of an award. We continue to use client feedback surveys to solicit feedback on our proposal, award, and post-award processes. Ratings response details are available on the SPA Metrics section of our website (two-factor authentication required).

green sparty helmet logo

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