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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

Issue 44: Friday Updates, 11/2/18

New KC Training Videos

Two new training videos are now available on the KC Training Materials webpage.  The videos are:

If you have ideas for other KC training materials, please email them to the KC Helpdesk.

Are You Happy with Your Access in KC?

KC has been in place for almost a year and a half, so we thought we’d check in to make sure you have access to the different modules of the system, for the appropriate units, that you should have.  If not, you can adjust your permissions by processing an ARM form.  A Kuali Coeus Research Administration ARM form can be found on the EBS Access Request webpage.  To assist with completing the form please review the role descriptions.  A generic ARM form may also be used, however the information provided on the generic ARM form may not provide the detail needed to setup the proper permissions, resulting in additional questions and time processing the request.

If you need access to view research administration reports in Business Intelligence (BI), use the Cognos BI Reports for Kuali Coeus Research ARM form.  These reports are within the Research Administration folder in BI.

Budget Periods over Twelve Months

If you are creating a budget with periods that are over twelve months you may notice that the system creates multiple lines for employees who are on a 12 month appointment. This is necessary for the system to calculate inflation properly. Please do not delete a line and combine the person’s effort into one line item with the full budget period. For reporting purposes, the lines will roll up and be summarized as one line.

Updates to Search Results

Search results for the Proposal Development (PD), Institutional Proposal (IP), and Award lookups have been updated with the following changes:

  • Search results have been increased from 50 to 100 returned results.
  • The returned results will be sorted in descending order by the full PD, IP or Award number, depending on which lookup you’re searching in.

We recommend entering additional search criteria rather than using an open search, which may not provide you with the information you are looking for.

Additional changes to searches in KC are still in the works.  We will update you on these changes through the System Implementation Update.

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