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Information and Resources related to the 2025 U.S. Presidential Administration Transition can be found on the Federal Updates Resulting From Administration Transition webpage. We will continue to update the page as new information and resources are identified.

FDP Subaward Roles & Responsibilities

These tables describe the roles and responsibilities of the individuals at MSU involved in the subaward process for Federal Demonstration Partnership (FDP) agreements.  The categories are not all inclusive but rather provide the primary activities and services needed for review and acceptance of new subawards and modifications.  Review the Subaward Guidance webpage for information on the federal requirements for subawards and how to comply with such requirements. 

Typically, the college/department Research Administrator (RA) is the liaison between the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and Contract and Grant Administration (CGA) and the PI; however, in some instances, the PI may act in that lead role.


  • L = Lead
  • R = Reviewer
  • * = Communicator with CGA

Create New Subaward

Step CGA PI RA Task
1.1 L      Receive notice from OSP that a new award is ready for account set-up.
1.2 L      Review award documents for completed subrecipient commitment form, scope of work, budget matching amount being funded, and budget justification. Request updated subaward documents from department or OSP proposal team if needed.
1.3 R L L*  If applicable, send requested/updated subaward documents to CGA.
1.4 L      Complete a Restricted Party Screening in Visual Compliance for subrecipient and subrecipient PI to be sure there are no known country restrictions, entity restrictions, or individual restrictions with the subrecipient and/or PI. If restrictions are found, send to CGA manager and Export Control for review and approval.
1.5 L      Complete a subrecipient risk assessment, including checking the FDP Clearinghouse, if there is no assessment on file or if the current assessment will expire within 60 days.
1.6 L R R*  Prepare the draft subaward agreement with FDP template and email it to the Postaward Department Administrator and/or PI for review and approval.
1.7   L L  Review and approve draft subaward and send confirmation to CGA.
1.8 L      Send unexecuted subaward to subrecipient for review and signature. Request IRB/IACUC approvals, updated financials, and ask any Visual Compliance questions to the subrecipient at this time.
1.9 L      Receive partially executed subaward and any additional requested documentation from subrecipient.
1.10 L      Execute subaward for MSU.
1.11 L      Email a copy of fully executed subaward back to subrecipient.
1.12 L R R  Forward email that includes fully executed subaward to Postaward Department Admin/PI/Office of Research Regulatory Support.
1.13 L      Process new subaward agreement in Account Explorer, including adding Visual Compliance review date and risk assessment, if updates were needed.
1.14 L      Save all applicable emails and documents in account notes and submit FFATA report (if necessary) within required timeframe.

Create New Subaward Amendment

Step CGA PI RA Task
2.1 R L L  Receive request from Department Administrator/PI to amend subaward agreement or receive award amendment from OSP/agency and inquire about amending subawards to Department Administrator/PI.
2.2 L      Review subaward documents needed to draft amendment (e.g. matching budget) and request updated subaward documents from the Department Administrator/PI if necessary.
2.3   L L  If applicable, send requested/updated subaward documents to CGA.
2.4 L      Review Visual Compliance in AE.  If within 60 days of expiration, process new check for subrecipient to be sure there are no new country restrictions or entity restrictions with the subrecipient. If restrictions are found, send to CGA manager and Export Control for review and approval.
2.5 L      Review subrecipient’s most recent risk assessment from AE and re-assess risk level if expiring within 60 days, including checking the FDP Clearinghouse.
2.6 L      Prepare draft subaward amendment with FDP template.
2.7 L      Email draft amendment to RA and/or PI for review and approval.
2.8   L L  Review and approve draft amendment and send confirmation to CGA.
2.9 L      Send unexecuted amendment to subrecipient for review and signature. Request IRB/IACUC renewals, updated financials, and ask any Visual Compliance questions to the subrecipient at this time.
2.10 L      Receive partially executed amendment and any additional requested documentation from subrecipient.
2.11 L      Execute amendment on behalf of MSU.
2.12 L      Email copy of fully executed amendment to subrecipient.
2.13 L      Forward email that includes fully executed amendment to Postaward Department Admin/PI.
2.14 L      Process new subaward amendment in Account Explorer, including adding Visual Compliance review date and risk assessment, if updates were needed.
2.15 L      Save all applicable emails and documents in account notes and submit FFATA report (if necessary) within required timeframe.

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